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Forum Posts

Tanmoy Mukharjee
Apr 11, 2022
In Welcome to the Forum
You have likely heard that saying -the money is in the list. You have likely also heard about the many cool things you can do when you build a list. I'm sure you know about the leverage it gives you. The power you have when you have a big list and the mailing list ability to make money online by just sending e-mail campaigns. The power of building a list is even much more than these things mentioned above but there is a BIG flaw with just building a list to make money. And this goes against popular advice. Let me explain. When you just think you are building a list for making money sake you thoughts and ideas mailing list will be focused on just how to milk your subscribers and make money from them. You forget that your subscribers are people with goals, aspiration, problems and dreams. These guys opted into your list and became your subscriber because they want you to give them information that will help them achieve their own goals. So it is a big mistake to just send your subscribers e-mails only about products and services they should pay for. If you do only this, your mailing list subscribers will read a few e-mails of yours and discover you don't really care about them. After a few more e-mails, they will quickly unsubscribe from your list or may mark your e-mail as spam or even delete your e-mails every time you send one.

Tanmoy Mukharjee

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