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Emery Alice
Apr 22, 2022
In Welcome to the Forum
A minimal viable product stage (MVP) is an early version of a product, such as a SaaS (software as a service) app, that is designed to ensure that the product vision and strategy correspond with market needs. Early adopters and other innovators are usually attracted to MVPs because they provide just enough capability and value. It's not a beta version of your product, where issues are being worked out or features and UI components are being fine-tuned. It's also not a paper (or PowerPoint) idea or a crude proof-of-concept demonstration. Instead, the name "MVP" connotes a very specific meaning: The bare minimum of capabilities, features, and packaging that... Viable: provide enough value for clients to be willing to pay money (or another type of currency, such as personal information) for it... Product: something they can utilize right now... Invest in a future concept, promise, or offer, not just a future concept, promise, or offer. An MVP's goals are to confirm a product's premise, test hypotheses about market demands, make product vision improvements, and prioritize where to invest in future development. As a result, MVPs are a highly effective method for determining product-market fit. MVPs aid product teams in making faster decisions and increasing agility by testing and improving basic premises with real-world validation. When done effectively, MVPs reduce the danger of investing time and money developing a product only to discover it has no market after it is deployed.

Emery Alice

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